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Tax Free

Tax Free


Global Blue's Tax Free Shopping

Global Blue's Tax Free Shopping service saves you up to 17,9 % when you spend over 98,22 €
As a foreign visitor and non-EU resident you are entitled to claim back the tax xou pay on the purchases when you take them home.
When you pay for your goods ask for a Global Tax Free Form, and remember to keep all your receipts.
When you're heading home, at your point of departure, visit Customs to get you Forms approved before collecting your refund at one of Global Blue Refund Offices.

Terms to refund:

  • Completed Tax Free Form
  • Receipts attached
  • Customs stamp (present your completed Forms, receipts, passport, and purchased item to get a stam)



  • Go to a Refund Office displaying the Glogal Blue loggo
  • Receive your refund paid to your credit card withih tive days or in cash
  • In a rush? Mail your stamped and completed Tax Free Forms and receipts back to us in the envelope provided and get your refund paid to your credit card within three weeks.