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Security statement

Security statement


For reliable and safe shopping, and maximum protection of data in case of credit cards payment, we use the T-Com Pay Way online authorization system which applies the most modern standards of data protection - Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit encryption and MD5 algorithm. ISO 8583 protocol ensures that data exchange between T-Com System and the authorization centers of credit card companies is done in a private network which is protected from unauthorized access by double-layer "firewall" (firewall).

Meridian nautika d.o.o.

+385 0 52 428 545

OIB: 19399502173

Camping and outdoor products store

Mate Vlašića 24 A
52440 Poreč
+385 0 52 428 555

Dear our customers and visitors, thank you for visiting the Meridian Webshop and shopping!